Hello! I am seeking donations and support to take me to Nepal Jan 2015, where I will provide free primary care services, including acupuncture, to hundreds of patients!
To be a part of the Acupuncture Relief Project would be such a gift – to the people of Nepal, to me as a human and healthcare practitioner, and to my own community when I bring back what I learned and experienced.
I am eager to witness the transformative process utilizing truly integrated medicine and eliminating many obstacles that are commonly seen in medicine.
I am eager to offer some of the best healthcare in the world; and to offer hope to even one of the poorest communities in the world
You can donate online at www.acupuncturereliefproject.org –> volunteer –> Bimphadi clinic team –> Debbie Yu.
- $20 pays for an interpreter for 10 days!
- $50 pays for one practitioner’s clinic supplies for one week!
- $100 pays all of our clinic expenses for one day!
More about the Organization
The Acupuncture Relief Project is a free community acupuncture clinic that travels to countries that have been impacted by poverty, conflict or disaster. Currently our primary clinic project is located in Kogate, Nepal and villages in the surrounding area.
Nepal remains one of the poorest countries in the world and has been plagued with political unrest and military conflict for the past decade. Our project will give our practitioners an opportunity to gain valuable field experience while making a positive impact on the local community.
Over the last three years Acupuncture Relief Project has provided over 20,000 treatments to patients living in rural villages outside of Kathmandu Nepal. Our efforts include the treatment of patients living with HIV and AIDs as well as people suffering from extreme poverty and social disfranchisement. Common conditions include musculoskeletal pain, digestive pain, hypertension, diabetes, stroke rehabilitation, uterine prolapse, asthma, and recovery from tuberculosis treatment, typhoid fever, and surgery.
***If you have any questions or comments about the organization or me, please contact me at debbiehyu@gmail.com
In the news: http://www.redmond-reporter.com/news/269458771.html
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