Ryan Lilly is an acupuncturist, herbalist, and certified Yi Ren® Qigong instructor with over 10 years of clinical experience. He specializes in treating chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, pain and anxiety. He currently practices acupuncture with Virginia Mason’s Integrative Medicine team in downtown Seattle as well as teaches Chinese medicine at Bastyr University. He has extensive experience in oncology acupuncture as a previous member of the integrative medicine team at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (Formerly known as Seattle Cancer Care Alliance).
Ryan has a particular interest in Chinese medicine self care techniques including meditation/quiet sitting and qigong. He has apprenticed and studied under the founder of Yi Ren® Qigong, Dr. Guan-Cheng Sun, PhD for over 10 years. He spent 7.5 years practicing with the Institute of Qigong & Integrative Medicine where he combined qigong education, acupuncture and Chinese medicine to support people’s healing and wellness. For more info on Yi Ren® Qigong or to sign up for Ryan’s classes, check out his personal website: https://www.experienceqiproject.com.

Education & Credentials:
- East Asian Medicine Practitioner (EAMP) and Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac) in the state of Washington #AC60392092
- Nationally Board certified by NCCAOM in Oriental Medicine (Dipl. OM)
- MS in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Bastyr University, 2012
- BS in Biology, Penn State University, The Behrend College
- Certified Yi Ren® Qigong Instructor, 2013
In-network Provider with: Regence, Premera, First Choice, Aetna, Kaiser, Ambetter/Coordinated Care, Cascade Care HMO, TriWest Community Care Network, PIP claims, and more to come very soon!